All these factors play heavily on the phobic’s mind. Growing old thus translates to becoming dependent on others, losing one’s self esteem and “being weak”.
They even might have been sent to a retirement home or required full time assistance. Possibly, his parent might have developed debilitating conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, AMD or other age related degeneration. The phobic might have seen the difficulties faced after getting old. Gerascophobia can also be attributed to firsthand or secondhand negative experiences related to aging. The thought of losing a spouse, losing one’s income, not being able to support self or loved ones financially are depressing thoughts that may lead to the phobia. Getting old also means retirement, death of near and dear ones etc. The fear of getting old, and being unable to care for self or falling down and not being able to get up or call out for help etc can terrify the phobic.

In the United States, hundreds of thousands of elderly people live alone. They tend to have certain underlying health issues, which may or may not include hormonal imbalances, adrenal insufficiency, thyroid related problems and so on. By nature, Gerascophobic individuals are anxious or high strung. Most common underlying factor behind such a fear is anxiety. However, the fear of getting old phobia actually tends to have deeper roots. Why does one fear aging? Often, to ‘normal’ people, it may seem quite odd that one can fear such a natural phenomenon.

Often, the phobic realizes that the fear is unwarranted but s/he is completely powerless over it. This fear can lead to several consequences including interference with social and personal life, lost job opportunities and almost every other daily aspect. In extreme cases of Gerascophobia the sufferer experiences persistent, irrational and constant fear of getting old. The tales and exploits of Spanish and American explorers in search of the waters of this fountain are quite well known. Right since the dawn of mankind, humans have been searching for the mythical “fountain of youth”. No one wants to lose their youthfulness, develop wrinkles and face other health problems that are inevitable with age. To an extent, most of us are afraid of growing old.