Perhaps we are only interested in a single username. select username, directory from users where length(username)=4 order by username If we want to see a subset of the usernames-those of a particular length, perhaps-we can add more clauses to our SQL statement. select username from users order by username In this example, we have only a single column but we can still sort the data. You can sort the data by any column in the results.
That doesn’t present a problem, we can download installation packages from the osquery downloads page. Most Linux distributions do not include osquery in their official repositories. We’re going to look at using osquery interactively. The excellent documentation is the first place to turn if you want to investigate its many other options. It contains far more than can be covered in an introductory article. osquery is a very flexible, sophisticated application. Running it as a daemon allows you to schedule queries. Osquery can be used interactively, or it can be controlled through a configuration file and run as a daemon. The data in the tables can be retrieved using simple structured query language (SQL) commands. The database contains many tables holding different categories of information. The osquery application is a free and open-source program from the osquery Foundation. It gathers a tremendous amount of information about your Linux computer and makes it accessible as a pseudo-database. Do you keep forgetting the syntax for obscure hardware commands you hardly use? The osquery application lets you interrogate the hardware, users, and performance of your Linux computer with standard SQL commands.